Privacy Policy | MVASI (bevacizumab) | Amgen

The information contained in this website is for European healthcare professionals only

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▼This medicinal product is subject to additional monitoring. This will allow quick identification of new safety information. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions.


Amgen (Europe) GmbH, Dammstr. 23, 6301 Zug, Switzerland, and/or its affiliates and co-branded partners (collectively "Amgen, "we" or "our") are committed to respecting your privacy and your personal information. This Privacy Statement describes Amgen’s privacy practices.
If you are a healthcare professional or healthcare organisation, please also read our Privacy Statement for Health Care Professionals to find out how Amgen is processing not-website related personal data.
Amgen will use information about you in line with applicable legal requirements concerning the protection of personal information.
We encourage all users of our Website to read this Privacy Statement carefully to learn more about the policies and practices that we have developed to safeguard personal and health information, and to better understand our relationships with the third parties who may have access to this information.
By using our Website, you acknowledge that you have read this Privacy Statement and that you consent to our Terms of Use.

1. In what instances and what kind of personal information do we collect about you?

Personal information as used in the context of this statement, applies to any information that identifies or that can be used to identify you, such as your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. When personal information includes information about you or your patient’s health, we refer to the information as "health-related personal information".
If you decide to provide personal information, Amgen may have access to the following:
  • Information That You Voluntarily Provide
  • When you register on our Websites or use certain of our Websites’ features without registration, choose to participate in our interactive services, such as questionnaires, health surveys, care management tools, or quality of care assessments or you decide to participate in one of Amgen’s discussion forums or chat rooms you may be asked to submit, or you may voluntarily disclose, your personal and/or health-related information.
  • If you are a healthcare professional or a healthcare organisation, it is your responsibility to obtain your patient’s authorisation and consent to provide his or her health-related personal information to Amgen through our Websites. By submitting any such information, you represent and warrant that you have obtained your patient’s authorisation to do so. Please note that patient information may not be disclosed on an Amgen discussion forum or chat room.
  • Information Collected from Your Computer or Your Electronic Device by our Website
  • We collect information about your computer or your electronic device when you visit our Websites and use our online resources. This information may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, date and time of your visit and information provided by tracking technologies, such as cookies. If you use a mobile device to access our Websites and online resources, we also may collect information about your device, such as device type, as well as your use of our mobile Websites and other mobile resources.
  • This collection enables us to communicate with you during your visit to our Websites, allows us to perform statistical analysis and facilitates your use of our online resources by personalising content.
  • For more information about Amgen’s usage of Cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy

2. Why do we process personal information about you?

  • To enable your access to Amgen online services such as questionnaires, health surveys, care management tools, quality of care assessments, or other online events.
  • To enable your participation in an Amgen’s discussion forum or chat room.
  • To enhance our understanding of how our products are used in treating the diseases for which they are marketed.
  • To create aggregate data that will be used for Amgen business purposes, including research, to improve our products and analyses that may help us to enhance our services. Such aggregate data may, in some instances, be derived from a combination of personal information you choose to provide on our Website with that from other Website users.
  • For purposes of Safety Reporting and Pharmacovigilance; if you contact Amgen regarding your experience of using one of our products, we may include the information you provide in safety reports which we are required to make to regulatory agencies (e.g., the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration or the European Medicines Agency). We also may use the information to contact the prescribing physician to follow up regarding an adverse event involving use of our product.

3. Who can access your personal information?

Your personal information will be solely accessible to Amgen and third parties processing personal information under Amgen’s instruction as data processors. We may use third parties to provide services and information on our Websites and we may provide some co-branded services in partnership with other third parties with which Amgen collaborates (for example, other pharmaceutical companies), provided that you have consented to such use. Disclosure and use of personal information by third parties acting on Amgen’s instructions is governed by agreements that require personal information to be protected appropriately.
At a co-branded Website you will see both the Amgen logo and the logo of the co-branded partner displayed on your screen. To access the services available on a co-branded Website you may have to complete a new on-line registration form, and this registration information may be shared with Amgen's co-branded partners.
Where required by applicable laws, rules and regulations we will disclose personal information to regulatory authorities and ethics committees and/or in certain limited circumstances, Amgen may be required to release your personal information in response to a court order, subpoena, search warrant, law, or regulation.
We will not sell or disclose any directly or indirectly identifiable information or health-related personal information that you provide on our Website to an unrelated third party.

4. Where is your personal information being processed?

Amgen is a multi-national company which maintains datacenters around the world, including in the European Union and the United States (Amgen Inc.’s global headquarters). Amgen may process personal information in global databases that can be accessed by authorized Amgen personnel worldwide. Transfers of personal information among Amgen and its group entities follow applicable laws and our Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs). For more information on the BCRs, including your ability to file a complaint about any processing of your personal information in violation of the BCRs, please visit Regardless of where your personal information is collected or processed, Amgen maintains appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect information about you.

5. How we protect your personal information

Amgen will take appropriate technical and organisational measures, both at the time of the design of the processing system and at the time of the processing itself, in order to maintain security and prevent unauthorised processing.
To help ensure the privacy and integrity of the personal and health-related information you provide to us, we may use encryption practices. As an added security precaution, all personal and/or health-related personal information is kept physically behind firewalls to prevent intruders from gaining access.

6. Our Children's Policy

Amgen's Website content and services are intended for adult users. The Website is not directed to children. If we learn that an under-age user has volunteered personal or health-related information on our Website, or that a provider has volunteered information about a patient who is identified as under-age, we will delete such information from our active databases.

7. Changes in Our Privacy Statement

We will only use personal information in the manner described in the Privacy Statement effective at the time the information was collected from you. However, we reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Statement at any time by posting revisions to our Website. If at any point, we decide to use personal information in a manner different from that stated at collection; we will notify users by e-mail to the extent that we have your e-mail address. You will be given the choice at that time for any additional uses or disclosures of your personal information that you made available to us prior to the change in our Privacy Statement.

8. Links to Other Websites

Amgen’s Websites feature links to other Websites that we believe you might find useful and informative. Please be aware, however, that we do not endorse or recommend these Websites' content or services, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these other Websites. We encourage you to be aware of and read the privacy policy of each Website you visit. Remember, the statements in this Privacy Statement apply solely to information collected by Amgen.

9. How long do we retain your personal information?

We generally retain personal information for as long as needed for the specific business purpose or purposes for which it was collected. In some cases, we may be required to retain information for a longer period of time based on laws, regulations or codes of practice that apply to our business.

10. How can you contact us for inquiries or to exercise your access rights?

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement or you want to correct, update or request deletion of the personal and/or health-related personal information you previously provided to Amgen, please contact Amgen at
Please be aware that in certain circumstances, Amgen may be required to retain certain information about you.
This Privacy Statement was last updated 21 July 2017